Thursday, December 7, 2006

Into the Blogosphere

I've been wanting to do a blog for a long time, or rather I've wrestled with the idea for a long time. To blog or not to blog. Who cares what I think about the world, what my memories might be even though to me they seem so important (sometimes)? And of course, the title of the blog had to be perfect.

Deciding on the perfect anything is, well, imperfect. How do you know when perfection has been achieved, after all? A new and perfect title today could be passe tomorrow, or taken. And so it was with some relief that I finally let a colleague of mine convince me, I just had to do it. Let it go and blog for the sake of it.

So here I am, blogging away. It feels pretty good! The title? LOL, it's a symbol of the kind of life I've led. Many forks in the road. One of my favorite poems is Robert Frost's "A Road Not Traveled." I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had many decisions to make, the result of which takes one down the road wondering what would have happened if the other way had been chosen. Kind of like choosing this title, "A Trickster's Life." For life has been filled with tricks, and treats. Life is an adventure, and along the way I've learned, I hope, a lot. I'm still questioning too, and there's still room for more knowledge. So maybe I can share here, giving out and getting back, all from a place of gentleness, of empathy, of going for the higher thought.

Here I go!

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